Supermarkets sell bulk products. Consumers bring their own containers that are weighed at the entrance and can then be filled up with cereal, shampoo etc.
All products in the supermarket are organically produced. Some products might feel or seem less luxurious than what we were used to, but we gladly accept this, for we are all a lot healthier without all the artificial and chemical components of products.
In school we learn how to listen and tune into our bodies. With this knowledge we are much more in tune with nature and notice how nature and natural feels and how much better it feels, so we automatically steer away from toxic products and toxic environments. This tuning in to our bodies also helps us to feel what is of true importance, which makes us less vulnerable to consumerism as well.
Photo credit: Foundation for Economic Education
Do you know about this place in Amsterdam called Little Plant Pantry - it is the place where you can buy most of the grains, seeds, spices and olive oil in bulk and take it in your own containers back home!