Department of International Relations, London School of Economics, London, UK
Teaching seminars on international political economy, environmental politics and international business
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland
Research on private governance, voluntary standards, trade and sustainable development.
Minor in International Economics with a focus on International Trade.
Supervision: Prof. David Sylvan and Prof. Jean Louis Arcand.
Center for Environmental Politics, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Research on chemical industry's Responsible Care program (in collaboration with Aseem Prakash and Christopher Adolph)
Research on Multilateral Environmental Agreements (in collaboration with Aseem Prakash and Christopher Adolph)
Research on growth-emissions decoupling (in collaboration with Aseem Prakash)
Research on reputational damage after corporate environmental disasters (in collaboration with William McGuire and Aseem Prakash)
University of Essex, Colchester, UK
Thesis: “Offshorability and the Lobby for Immigrant Labor”, using cross-sectional analysis. Supervision: Prof. Thomas Plümper.
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Thesis: “Neoliberal Policies and International Organizations: The OECD and Higher Education Policy”, using discourse analysis, analyzing interviews and OECD documents. Supervision: Prof. Jeffrey Harrod.
University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Thesis: “Learning in the Organization: Monitoring and Evaluation”. Research conducted for development organization Highway Africa in South Africa, using interviews, document analysis and observation. Supervision: Prof. Albert Meijer.
Exchange student at Rhodes University, South Africa.
Europaeum Fellowship, 2019
SDC Financial Award for Sustainability and Development Conference, Ann Arbor, USA, 2018
Doc.Mobility Fellowship, awarded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, project P1GEP1_181399
Bourse d’Excellence, Graduate Institute, 2015 – 2018
Departmental travel grant for ISA annual convention, Baltimore, USA, 2017
Departmental travel grant for fieldwork, Kenya, 2016
Trajectum scholarship, student exchange Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, 2007
Under review:
Holtmaat, E.A., Adolph, C., Prakash, A. “The Global Diffusion of Environmental Clubs: The Chemical Industry’s Responsible Care Program”, World Development (under review)
Work in progress:
Holtmaat, E.A. “Global Value Chains and the Uptake of Private Sustainability Standards”
Holtmaat, E.A., Prakash, A., Adolph, C. “Explaining Country Participation in International Environmental Treaties”
Holtmaat, E.A., Prakash, A. “Explaining Growth-Emission Decoupling: 1990-2014."
Holtmaat, E.A. “Modeling the Diffusion of Private Standards in a Trade Network – The Case of Kenyan Cut-Flower Producers”
Prakash, A., McGuire, W., Holtmaat, E.A. "Do Environmental Accidents Damage Firms and Industry Reputations? The Case of Deepwater Horizon"
Sun, Y., Holtmaat, E.A. “Comrades or Acquaintances? Social network analysis of transnational sustainability standard communities in meta-governance organizations”
Holtmaat, E.A., “Variety of Private Sustainability Standards: A Club Theory Approach”
Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, 2019
International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, Toronto, 2019
Sustainability and Development Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2018
European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, Hamburg, 2018
4thAnnual Duck Family Graduate Workshop on Environmental Politics and Governance, Center for Environmental Politics, University of Washington, Seattle, 2018
“Variety of Private Sustainability Standards: A Club Theory Approach” – Lunch Seminar, Center for International Environmental Studies, Graduate Institute, Geneva, 2018
“Private Sustainability Standards Uptake: From Firm Characteristics towards a Supply Chain and Trade Relations Explanation” –IHEID IRPS Colloquium Series, Graduate Institute, Geneva, 2018
“Variety of Private Sustainability Standards: A Club Theory Approach” – Brown Bag Lunch, Economics Department, Graduate Institute, Geneva, 2018
European Political Science Association (EPSA) Conference, Milan, 2017
International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, Baltimore, 2017
Swiss Political Science Conference, St. Gallen, 2017
Research Assistant, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland, 2015
Assistant for Prof. David Sylvan for his work on US foreign policy.
Intern, Trade and Environment Program, International Trade Centre, Geneva, Switzerland, 01/2016 – 04/2016
Policy Analyst (intern), Trade Policy Review Division, World Trade Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 07/2012 – 01/2013
Personal Assistant of Kati Piri, candidate European Parliament, Amsterdam, 02/2014 – 05/2014
Teaching Assistant, Nyenrode Business University, Woerden, 08/2008 - 12/2009
President Organizing Committee AGM Erasmus Student Network (ESN), Utrecht, 03/2007 - 06/2008
Activities Coordinator, Erasmus Student Network (ESN), Utrecht, 08/2007 - 08/2008
Languages: Dutch (native), English (fluent), French (intermediate), German (intermediate).
Computer skills: Microsoft Office, Latex.
Analytical programs: Stata (proficient), SPSS (intermediate), R (entry level), NetLogo (intermediate), NVivo (intermediate), MAXQDA (proficient)